Tierra Atacama

We are currently at 2425m so getting to sleep last night was a bit of a challenge, not helped by the dreaded whine of a hungry mosquito. We still have the industrial strength ‘Peaceful Sleep’ repellant from Namibia which deters anything in the area including humans, so that was liberally applied at 4am.
Neither of us fancied doing the group tour thing this morning so we wandered into ‘town’ before it got too hot. It’s a scruffy interesting place, a dusty oasis with a ridiculous number of tiny tour operator offices.

The hotel is beautifully designed with traditional materials and a few surprising plants in the garden.

Pretty good place to sit around doing not a lot. After a long lunch and a lovely snooze, I went to a yoga class. As the rest of the hotel guests seemed to have gone on a tour to see a flamingo, I had a one to one class with Matteus, a rather zen yogic bunny. It was one of those classes where one has to chant and breathe like a lion, I managed not to get the giggles even when I’m sure he was singing about curry! My lack of bendiness was as bad as usual but it was much less humiliating and intimidating than a London yoga class, same again tomorrow I think.


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