Driving to Tortel

I thought about another pre-drive run this morning but my legs said no way after yesterday’s exertion. I worked my way through a massive breakfast instead.
Today’s journey involved 143 km of twisty, dramatic unpaved road accompanied by another random iPad playlist. 
The instructions told us to pull over and gawp at another stunning waterfall view.

It was cold and soggy today, definitely not envious of these cyclists.
The road was by the side of the Baker river which became more and more dramatic.
The village of Tortel is car free and built on wooden boardwalks at the base of a mountain, so getting to the hotel involved lots of steps - the advice was to decant essentials into an overnight bag and leave suitcases in the car - fortunately we obeyed the instructions again!

It is an astonishing place with small plazas, playgrounds and even an outdoor gym built on the boardwalks.

Dinner was a delicious change from meat with more meat, but a wooden hotel isn’t conducive to a good nights sleep when it pours with rain and the resident in the adjacent room was apparently a snoring warthog!


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